I am a freelancer in the publishing industry, so words are very important to me. I'm a leftist living in a world gone mad, so politics are very important to me. I'm an environmentalist living in a degrading world, so pick up your damn trash, get rid of your gas guzzlers, and don't touch ANWR, you self-absorbed capitalists!

Do leave comments: let's make this a conversation. If you prefer, you can contact me at friuduric at yahoo dot com.

20 October 2006

If It's the Only Way to Get Republicans to Fund Textbooks For Schools...

...it's pretty pitiful:

OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) -- A candidate for state superintendent of schools said Thursday he wants thick used textbooks placed under every student's desk so they can use them for self-defense during school shootings." Entire story at AP.

There really isn't anything else to say, is there?

Well, other than: Gee, I wonder how much money he and his aides spent to produce this 10-minute video? And they say fiscally responsible Republicans are nowhere to be found!