I am a freelancer in the publishing industry, so words are very important to me. I'm a leftist living in a world gone mad, so politics are very important to me. I'm an environmentalist living in a degrading world, so pick up your damn trash, get rid of your gas guzzlers, and don't touch ANWR, you self-absorbed capitalists!

Do leave comments: let's make this a conversation. If you prefer, you can contact me at friuduric at yahoo dot com.

14 August 2007

Pattern Suggestions?

A question for my needle arts readers (If you're still reading. The crafting has been paltry since we arrived in NH, I admit.)

We went to the League of New Hampshire Craftsmen ("Crafters!" I shouted to myself) fair on Sunday, and I bought some pretty buttons. See?

Does anyone know of a good pattern to use four 3/4-inch (1.5 cm) buttons? If I were to sew, I was originally thinking of making a Chinese collar blouse. But that would call for many buttons, I think; and I could only afford four of these things. If I were to knit, I first imagined a pullover (jumper) with the opening a diagonal flap along the left side of my upper torso. I don't think I could wear a sweater with four buttons at the top and open the rest of the way down (it would make me look pregnant).

I also really shouldn't be "making this up as I go along." That would definitely not work. I will need a pattern.

Has anyone seen anything in a magazine, book, or on the Internet?

I would be eternally grateful (and it would ensure I'll start blogging about craftiness again!)